For anyone stumbling on this webpage, by accident or by purpose – this is my introduction to both myself and to this page. Welcome!
It has now been 18 years since I started working in the IT industry. I was still in high school when I was offered a data entry job at a local IT firm in my hometown, and my future was written in stone from that day on.
Now, with so many years of experience, both of being in IT and of being an adult, I can honestly say – I still have no idea what I am doing! Age does indeed bring wisdom, but wisdom also brings the unfortunate realization of better understanding how much more there is to learn!
I am Nikalaas by the way. Nice to meet you! Nikalaas is not my real name, although there were some Indian consultants I worked with that use to call me that. I live in the far northern country of Sweden, where the summer days are long and the winter nights even longer.
I created this web page both to be able to share my thought to a perceived audience (will anyone ever read this?), but also to document the things I have experienced. Kind of like a journal, but way less often.
This entry is the first I make on this site, but there may be other entries before this. In order to try the order of when things happened, I will be backdating some of my posts. Not to make this web page seem older than what it is, but to create a more coherent timeline for myself and the potential reader.
If you want to reach out, you can find me at on Bluesky. I won’t be offering any contact information on this page.